Vice Mayor Li Zhaohui of the Municipal Government went to Dongcheng Pharmaceutical to investigate the epidemic prevention and control and resume produ - Yantai Dongcheng Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

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Vice Mayor Li Zhaohui of the Municipal Government went to Dongcheng Pharmaceutical to investigate the epidemic prevention and control and resume produ

2020-11-12 15:09

On the afternoon of February 11, Li Zhaohui, Deputy Mayor of Yantai Municipal Government, and his entourage came to Dongcheng Pharmaceutical’s Dayang factory to conduct on-site investigations on epidemic prevention and control and resumption of production. Jin Yuanlin, deputy director of the Yantai Municipal Government Office, Liu Wenbin, deputy director of the Yantai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Sun Fuxin, deputy director of the Development Zone Management Committee, Teng Zuoshi, director of the Development Zone Market Supervision Bureau, and Xin Hongbo, general manager of Dongcheng Pharmaceutical Group, accompanied the investigation.


Vice Mayor Li Zhaohui listened to a report by General Manager Xin Hongbo on the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of Dongcheng Pharmaceutical. Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, the company has paid great attention. On January 27, the company established an epidemic response working group headed by the chairman of the board, and took immediate action to respond to the epidemic with all its strength. On January 31, the first batch of self-produced anti-epidemic-related drugs worth 8.93 million yuan and medical masks worth 160,000 yuan were sent to the epidemic area. At the same time, employees of the company have voluntarily donated nearly 450,000 yuan to the Wuhan epidemic area through the Yantai Red Cross. Up to now, the company has donated more than 9.8 million yuan in donations.


Within the company, the relevant regulations on fighting the epidemic at all levels are strictly implemented, and the “Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic of Dongcheng Pharmaceutical Group Employees” have been formulated, which clearly stipulates the disinfection management, employee travel, dining, disinfection, and commuting in the factory. Strictly implement 14-day home quarantine measures for employees returning from smoking outside the city, and advocate home office and online office for employees who do not have to operate on-site to minimize personnel gathering.


Vice Mayor Li Zhaohui fully affirmed the practices and measures of Dongcheng Pharmaceutical in actively fulfilling its social responsibilities and the group's anti-epidemic. I learned in detail about the company's resumption of work and production, and asked about the company's difficulties in fighting the epidemic and resuming work. Finally, Vice Mayor Li Zhaohui once again urged everyone that the current situation of epidemic prevention and control is still very severe. We must earnestly implement various prevention and control requirements, effectively do a good job in employee protection, environmental disinfection, etc., scientifically and rationally arrange resumption of work and production, and reduce personnel gathering , To protect the health of employees.





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